Here's a bit of a run down on what's been going on since the LAST time I posted.
Elleh & I went to see Dr Todd, an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist. After 4 severe ear infections in less than a month, (she had one while we were seeing him by the way,) he said that it wouldn't be a matter of if, but when she would need tubes. He told me to talk it over with Rob & let them know. There's wasn't a whole lot of talking to be done. It needs to be done. Now we just need to get it scheduled, but need to have her ear infection/antiobiotic free first. Hopefully we're on that road & can get it scheduled soon. She has 8 teeth now, is on the verge of walking & will be 1 in less than 3 weeks! I can't believe how the time flies!
Rob & I made a trip to Kingsport TN in March. We got to spend some great time with family & I FINALLY got to see a race at BMS! It was amazing! Everyone should experience it at least once. We went to the Nationwide Race on Saturday (and picked up a nice sun burn), and the Sprint Cup Series on Sunday (wearing our poncho's & long sleeves, trying to stay dry & warm). Our seats were great & we got a smokin deal on tickets thanks to my husbands crafty skills. We paid $50 for the pair of tickets on Saturday, (box office price was $80 for one), and we paid $80 for a pair of tickets on Sunday (box office price of 1 of the tickets was $120)! WOO-HOO. Although, he wasn't very impressed that we paid $30 to park on Sunday, then walked another 2 miles to the track! We had a great time seeing Grandpa, Grandma, Mike & Jake. It's BEAUTIFUL out there. The weather reminded me a little of good ole' South Dakota. It was sunny & 70's on Saturday, low 50's & rainy on Sunday & then 37 & snow on Monday. I wasn't planning on snow for my birthday!
Ava wants to be outside or at Grandma & Grandpa's 24 hours a day. She doesn't understand why she can't go to Sunday School, play soccer, and do all the other things that Mollie does. It's really hard to understand that you have to wait until you're 4 to do those things. Especially when you're only 3! Four is a long time away! She loves to be my "Big Helper". I think she's getting a bit excited to ride a big girl bike, but still a bit scared!
Mollie lost her first tooth! She was bound & determined to pull that tooth. She went to my dad & said "just yank it out Grandpa!" They tried & tried, but no luck. I jokingly said to her, "Mollie, why don't you tie a string around Ava's remote control car, the other end around your tooth & then make the car go!" Wouldn't you know it, Mollie disappeared & 5 minutes later came back with the car, floss tied around the axel of the car, the remote for the car, and asking my dad for help tying the other end of the floss around her tooth. They worked & worked at getting the floss tied around her tooth & finally, it "popped"right out. Dad didn't know that it had come out. We had to look for it & found it in the cushion of the couch.
Mollie & Daddy started Spring Soccer. They really seem to like it! Their first game was last Saturday. The weather was beautiful. Girl Scout Cookie sales are done & Mollie did a great job! She sold 116 boxes of cookies. Her goal was to sell 50 boxes. What a little salesman! Maybe a future in Insurance, haha!
We are putting a new roof on the house next weekend, and sometime after that, we will be putting new tile on the foyer. We got a piano & when it was moved in, it cracked a few of the tiles that are down now, so it needs to be replaced. Rob wants to build a snadbox around the playset for the kids, put a fence up & do some landscaping. Should be a busy Spring/Summer for us. Expensive too!
We have been busy helping Jill & Patrick get their house ready to put on the market. Lots of removing wall paper, painting, packing, cleaning & storing! Hopefully they can have their house on the market sometime next week & will have a quick sell!
Matt is about finished with the walls in dad's lower garage, so hopefully they can get the electrical done before the permit expires at the end of the month. They also bought cupboards, cabinets & counter tops for the pantry & will be installing that sometime soon. It's going to be a busy summer!
Dad is running for re-election for District 11 House of Representatives. He has a Primary in June & then the General Election in November. Wish us luck! If you're looking to volunteer, I could sure use you!
Oh MY~ More exciting news. Not only is Jill having twins, but Matt & Rachel are expecting a baby in October! Christmas is going to be so much fun this year!!!!
~Until next time~