Hi Everyone~ Well, I'm on the "OFFICIAL" countdown! 6 days until delivery. I was at the Dr yesterday & Dr Gaetze told me that Monday's the day! WOOHOO. I managed to keep my blood pressure down, stay off of bed rest, and just stay healthy. Dr Gaetze would have liked to see me gain more than 12 pounds, but all in all, I am so proud of myself! I was a little worried, (so was my dad) about my blood pressure for a while there. We're on the home stretch & before all of us know it, we'll be letting you know if the next little Brown is a boy or a girl. Mollie informed me yesterday, after asking for a brother all along, that she has changed her mind & now wants a sister. Lord help us!
Through all of this, I can't THANK my husband enough for being so great! I know that's cliche, but it's true. Especially this last month or so. I have been really uncomfortable, not sleeping well at all & CRABBY! I complain so much that even I'm sick of hearing it. I don't know how he puts up with me, but thank goodness he does. He still loves me too! Ha ha.
The other person I need to Thank is my dad. He's been awesome through all of this! My Dr's appointments have never been an issue. He's worked around all of them, and even put his fun plans on hold for me. He's supposed to be at Lake Erie right now trying to land the "BIG ONE", but decided to stay so that if he needed to be here, he was. I'm feeling bad that everything is going so well & that after it's all said & done, he really could have gone & had a great time, but I thank him the same for sticking around for me! (I still think I'm his favorite oldest daughter) I have a feeling that next year when this trip comes up, I'm going to owe him BIG time. Wink wink!
My parents & my in-laws have been great. Between them, they kept the kids for us most of the weekend so that Rob & I could tie up a bunch of loose ends & get things done around the house. I still need to pack the girls & us, and get our hands on a new car seat, but that's the easy stuff. My plan is to have that feat taken care of tonight so that I relax & enjoy the rest of the time with no worries. Mollie & Ava are both so excited to have a sleepover at Grandma's house! I hope Grandma & grandpa are ready for them!
Wright & Evelyn made it to Sioux Falls last week. It's so good to see them. The girls are LOVING all of the attention!
I'm off early today to go take a tour of JFK Elementary School with Jill, Mollie & Grace. I can't believe that it's almost time to begin this new journey with Mollie. It will be nice to share this with Grace & Jill. I think it will make things easier on all of us!
Well, the next time I "Blog" will be with fun & exciting news. I can't wait to share it with everyone!
Post you soon!
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